Sunday, March 22, 2015

Really, Neighbors With Benefits?

I'm a traditional type of girl, one who has always believed that one stays faithful and only gives themselves to the other from that point forward.  However, I have learned over the years that many people, even ones in committed relationships, don't totally agree!

We've all heard the term friends-with-benefits, but The A&E Channel ( has went beyond that with their new show Neighbors-With-Benefits; and it is a little over-the-top, for me. (lol)

Wow, who would have known that a neighbor of swingers existed ; and I would have NEVER dreamed there would be a TV show created about it!  I'm thinking this reality television show may have been better suited for HBO, Showtime, or another pay channel.  I don't want my children finding it by mistake!

Although.. I have to be honest, I will probably check out the first episode.. just because I want to hear their perspective on things.  I always find it interesting why people do the things they do!

To each their own, is what I say!

I can't say much about the show because all I have seen is a preview, but I do wonder how they got all of these people to air their personal business on television!?  All I know is, I hope none of them are the jealous type because, if so, there could be issues. lol

As we know, it's a reality show with producers; therefore, there has to be some drama!

Airing tonight, I wonder what ratings they will get and how many will follow; but time will tell!  I am a little curious though, will you watch?  Do you think this topic is too much for television?

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