I have watched my family members struggle to pay out-of-pocket for medication for years; and now that I am getting older I have seen first-hand how it affects my budget when me or my husband get sick.
My aunt just 65 and medicare and other insurance providers have been swamping here with mail and phone calls the past few months. Recently, she signed up with a company and with all the information that they sent to her was a prescription savings card.
She used the card (Rx Cut) at the Walmart pharmacy shortly after, just to see if it really would save her any money! (??) Her prescription normally costs her $120 and she only payed $53... ((WOW!)) I was honestly, impressed! And I will definitely be keeping the one she gave me because it saved me a little bit of money this week on my medication!
This insurance card can also save us money at the vet, CT, MRI, Lab services, and other things at the hospital and/or doctor's office as well... and best of all, it is 100% FREE to everyone!!
**And you can print your own card right from the website, anytime!!
I hope that this information will help other's who don't have $400 to spend out-of-pocket on doctor visits and/or medication.
For more information, check out the website or call:
Phone # 1-800-808-1213