Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One of our babies died...

12 years ago I received a call on my daughters birthday from a good friend of mine and she wasn't wishing a happy birthday.

She said...

"Omg, they just brought a baby into the ER that is blue, his mom forgot him in the car when she went into work!"

My very first thoughts, having a 2 year old at the time, was "yeah right".. I did not not even think there could be a possibility of that happening!  I mean.. how do you forget your child?!

We talked for only a short minute because we were off to celebrate my daughter's birthday; and have a party.  However, during this short conversation we discussed our thoughts and opinions; and nether of us thought that something this bad could realistically happen.

A few short hours later I received another phone call from a co-worker which I worked with at a daycare center.  I assumed she had heard about the baby and was calling to tell me about it all... but I was so wrong!

... Sobbing and barely able to get her words out, she said; " One of our babies died!" and I was speechless!!

It is amazing how my thought process changed so quickly after knowing who this mother was personally; and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that she would have never hurt the baby intentionally!!  (However, as a mother I did still wonder how this could be possible.)

I learned that day that we all have gut instincts when it comes to any tragedy, and we have opinions based on those beliefs/thought as well; but they are so different when we know the people involved and have a personal connection.

The media tore her apart, and she barely made it through..and finally having to move to another state to move on with her life because of the people who could not stop judging.